Thursday, March 6, 2008

Last weekend, it is sad to say that I lost my flippin cell phone!! Uhhhh I hate loosing that thing... hopefully it will turn up..(Hopefully) A bunch of us were hanging out at the tracks and it was muddy, then it started to rain , then hail and then snow and plus it was windy and everybody was getting smoked out and what not. I got my boots sooo muddy! Oh and Tom left on Wednesday morning at like 4:30 a.m. : ( I was soo sad when he left... I was tearing up because I only got to see him for a day cause he was gone (snowmobling trip for 5 flippin days) and yea... I'm really excited because on Spring Break (the 15th) I'm leaving to go down to The WACK, yessss finally I miss my friends so much. And I will be staying there for 5 days, chillin with Emilt, K-dawg and her man (Matt), Kristin, Eli, Jayme, Amanda, Mandy, Caitlyn and Toni. Sooo excited!! We are going to be parting on St. Patty's Day at C&T's place. Whooohoooo!!!
Okay, when I was with Tom I asked him if he could put more songs on my MP3 player and he only got 4 songs on it... 4!!!!!!!!!! Next time I see him I'm going to be the one putting music on my MP3.... But man, I do miss him alot....

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