Wednesday, December 19, 2007


On Tuesday December 18th Tom and I went shopping in Kamloops. It was a blast, Tom and I got my cousin (Greg) 2 shirts from warehouse one (they are hilarious), then I got Sam her cd and some other stuff and I got her boyfriend(Kyle) a present too. I also got Tom's shirt (it's a pantera shirt he really likes it). But anyways we had so much fun, we hung out with Brandon and Tonya for a while then left at about 6:30 thank god the roads were okay because it would have been a scary trip
(just like the last time we got stuck outside of Savona because there was a jack knife like the semis were all messed up and what not, my mom was freakin saying that we should have stayed in Kamloops but Tom and I wanted to come home so we did) yea, I know that was stupid but we got home safely and it was a long drive.

Monday, December 17, 2007

There is only 4 more days of school left till Christmas holidays!!!!! Yessss!!! We finised doing the from Santa letters to the kids here! hopefully, they like it. Anyways i finally got my boots! They are so nice and i love em!!!!! Tom's coming home tomorrow! I'm so excited! And he's going to be staying here for awhile so that makes it even better! I can't wait because i'm going shopping sometime this week!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful day outside today! And it's actually not that cold out. I'm only wearing 2 hoodies! Lol anyways, I'm so excited because Tom is coming home on tuesday!! Only five more days before I see him!! This is going to be an awesome Christmas! I think we might go up to Prince George to visit some family but I am not to sure. It would be nice but the roads might be kind of scary.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


It is so cold here!!! And I still don't have my boots well, I'm getting them before the twenty-seventh so I'm really excited!! I can't wait to go Christmas shopping! My moms giving me some money so I'm going to get some presents!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Last weekend

Well, we didn't go skating. Thank you!! lol Umm last weekend Sam, Kyle and myself hung out with some people and chatted it up. It was a good time. On Saturday I slept in, then my mom and me went to Jim and Janet's house to watch movies. we started watching Hostel part 2 and well I didn't like it that much really. It was making me dry heave with all the killing and blood. EW! I fell asleep before 10:30 p.m. The next day we started watching Hannibal the rising and the cavern and also another movie that I forget what it was called.

Last weekend

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Christmas break is coming soon and I can't wait!! I might be going to Prince George to visit my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. But then on the 26th my aunt, her boyfriend and my cousin from Port Conquitlum are coming to visit us and that's going to be a blast! Oh and also my cousin Greg from Victoria is coming for Christmas! Yay!!!

This weekend!

This weekend a bunch of us are going to go skating but the thing I can't skate that well so I'm going to watch my friends. The last time I went skating was about two years ago and I was falling so much! This one time when I was visiting my family in Burns Lake, my auntie wanted me to play hockey with my cousins and their friends. So I said yes and when I got all geared up and got on the ice, I fell. So, I looked at my mom and mouthed "I can't do this" and I got off the ice and watched my cousins play.

Anyways, Tom left on Tuesday morning.. I was so sad. Another three weeks till i see him again. But it's awesome because the next time he's here it's going to be for two weeks!!! YAY!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

This weekend!!!!

Tom and I are going to hang out with a bunch of friends tonight, we are going to have so much fun! But this is after I come back from Kamloops. Tomorrow, we are going to go christmas shopping in Kamloops! Yay! On Christmas break Tom's going to teach me how to ride a snowboard (because i don't know how too) so that's going to be a blast!


Today is Friday November 23rd and our girls volleyball team are going to Kamloops to watch a TRU men's volleyball game! I'm so excited we are going to have so much fun! We are leaving around 4:30 p.m.
So, when i went to POCO, my mom, Gerald, my cousin Dillion and his girlfriend and myself were all at the mall and I couldn't find any boots and i was getting mad because i found one pair that i liked but then they didn't have my size!!! Uhhhh.... then on Monday we were looking at a different mall and i still didn't find any.. I'm a little bit touchy on this subject..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Through out this Month

On the 23rd, a bunch of girls and 2 teachers are going to the TRU game in Kamloops! It's going to be so much fun! Then the next day I'm going shopping with Tom and hang out with some of his friends that live in Kamloops. Oh, and this weekend I'm finally getting my boots!!!!!! Yesssss!!!
A couple days ago my mom asked me what color I would want for an mp3 player and i told her green and then I realized what she was getting me for Christmas!! I'm so happy because since my last mp3 player went through the washing machine I've been so sad cause I have no music to listen too......

This weekend Whoohooo yay!!!

This weekend my mom, Gerald and myself are going to Vancouver for the weekend to see my aunt and cousin. I haven't seen my aunt in while now and i miss her so much! I'm really excited to go but I'm also scared because there has been a lot of gang wars in Vancouver.. But I'm we are going to have fun I'm just not going to leave their place when I'm there. Anyways, we are going to be Christmas shopping! YAY! I can't wait to go!!! And I'm also excited because Tom is coming home on the 21st, I'm so happy! We are going to be going shopping on the Saturday when he comes back! I'm going to be doing a lot of shopping for the next 2 weekends! It's awesome.

What else is awesome is that I'm passing all my classes!

Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm really sad because we only have one more volleyball game left and that is on the 6th. We have to go to Liloet, yay! This weekend I might being hanging out with Sam. And then go over to my aunts and uncles place for a bit. I'm happy though that it is friday. It was weird that we didnt have school yesterday but i got to sleep in so it's all good!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Last weekend was so much fun! Tom came home on Wednesday! Yay! On Friday we (Tom and myself) Hung out with a bunch of friends. Saturday, we went to Kamloops for shopping, oh Ross came with us too. Later we went to Kaylana's house and there was a bunch of people there. We had such a blast. The next morning we woke up and i was so tired, i helped out cleaning the house. We left and went to my place and hung out there for a little bit. Tom went back to his place to hang out with his brother, mom and friends so, i stayed home and tried to sleep. Sam and Kyle called me and then we hung out for a bit and also Darrin came over too. I had a great weekend and I'm really sad because Tom is leaving on Wednesday morning :(

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Weekend

Last weekend was very amusing. Thursday I cleaned. Friday I cleaned, i also watched Underworld and another scary movie(I forget what it was called). I didn't do to much later that day. Saturday, my mom and I went over to Jim and Janet's to watch movies and have dinner. We watched apocalyptic, and a zombie movie. The one movie was so gruesome like a lot of killing and torturing, I had to leave at one point because I started to dry heave. *Yucky* Anyways, the zombie movie was really creepy.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Last Weekend

On Friday it was my mom's birthday! She turned 39. First we were planning to go to my aunts place and hang out there and what not but my Aunt Janet got sick so that really sucked. For a while we didn't know what to do. So, i just said lets go out for dinner. We decided to go to 100 mile at this place called Red Coach Inn. I got a burger... I have to describe this burger because it was just so funky. It was a quarter pounder, with Jack cheese (that really strong cheese yucky), big slices of beacon, bar bque sauce. This thing was huge and gross i could only eat like half of it and it kind of made me dry heave. When we got home, mom wasn't feeling to good which wasn't good because it's her birthday, she's supposed to be having fun and what not. I felt really bad for her. On Saturday, i hung out with Sam and Kyle. We had fun. Then later that night Jazmen invited me over to her house to watch blades of glory now that was a good movie, it was hilarious!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Last Weekend

I had a great weekend! On Friday, Sam and I hung out with the girls. It was awesome. Saturday night Sam stayed the night it was fun. Sunday, I didn't do anything. I stayed in my p.j's all day, helped my mom out with some chores. I watched a lot of movies that were on t.v. Then I went to bed at like 12. Woke up really late, had a shower and got ready for the turkey dinner. My Aunt Janet, Uncle Jim, Bev, Geralds mom, my mom, and of course Gerald were all at the table. And it was an awesome meal very yummy.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Last Weekend

Last weekend, I hung out with Tom everyday. We went out Friday night to hang out with friends. On Saturday, we went to Kamloops, I got my belly button pierced! Yay! Later that night we hung out with friends again. Sunday, we went to Kamloops again, Tom and I got some new clothes. We saw a movie "Good Luck Chuck", it was so funny! It was a really good movie. Tom and I got back to my place at around 11, my mom wasn't to pleased but I went to school the next day so it's all good. Then Monday, we visited some friends. Had a great time. Then Tom left on Tuesday.. :( The next time i will see him is in about 3 weeks.. I already miss him.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This weekend!!

I am so excited for this weekend! Tom is coming home tomorrow! Yay! We are planning to go to Kamloops so that we can go shopping. I'm going to get a pair of sweet boots for the winter. Also, I am getting my bellybutton pierced (Tom said that it would be a present from him) He is so nice. Anyways, we might go camping with a bunch of people too but I don't know because its getting pretty chilli at night and in the morning. So i don't think we will.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Random writing

Last Thursday, we had Volleyball practice and two girls sadly quit the team. When we were practicing Sam was doing a back set and everybody had to spike it. So, i went up to spike it and I bent my thumb back because the ball was so hard. In conclusion, I sprained my thumb and it is very sensitive. But it got me out of doing a lot of work around the house. "hehe." Anyways, my weekend was pretty interesting, Friday morning when everybody was getting up at 4 in the morning I was sleeping in. "Oh Yea!" It was awesome, I didn't do to much that day just clean and what not. Saturday night Sam called me and told me about the trip to Vancouver, It sounded like everybody had fun and that's good. After talking with Sam, my mom came to the house and picked me up to go over to my aunt and uncles place. There we watched 2 really weird movies (I'm not going to name them because they were just stupid movies) lol.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This weekend!! Whooohoooo

This weekend is a longer weekend!! Yesss! We have Friday off and I'm so excited! Most of the older students are going to Vancouver for 1 night but I didn't want to go because of personal reasons and I don't really like Vancouver that much. It doesn't excite me. Anyways, I think I might be visiting with my Aunt Janet, help her out with dying peoples hair and also cutting hair. I'm so happy thought because I get to sleep in!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


September 11, 2007 was our first volleyball practice. It was so much fun! We were giving it our best. Every time someone wouldn't go for the ball and they were on the team, that i was on. I would look at her and that person wouldn't move so I would have to dig for the ball and when that happened I didn't have my knee-pads on so, I have a type of rug burn on my knees and it kills! The next day I woke up, and i felt like crap. I had a hard time walking up my stairs because my legs hurt so much. I asked Gerald (My mom's Boyfriend) if he would give me a ride to school because I don't think I could walk up that big hill. Thank god Gerald gave me a ride!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Summer 07

This summer was so fun! I did a lot of camping, hanging out with my boyfriend, going swimming at Kelly Lake and Green Lake. It was insane. It went by so quick and I'm sad that it's over and that we're back in school.. In the beginning of August, my aunt Janet and myself went to Vancouver to visit her friend Maggie. Maggie is a very nice person and we had a great time just chillin' at her place, having fires each night. It was awesome! We stayed there for 3 days, then we came back to Clinton. That night when I got home, my mom came up to me and said "oh yea we are going camping tomorrow at N. Bonaparte River for 5 days!" I was so excited!